Giving to Merland Rise Church

We are grateful for all the donations we receive and appreciate the generosity of those who give to support us and all we do.

Ways to Give

Ways to Give

We know that generosity is shown in many different ways. Through financial giving we are able to serve our church family and wider communities to achieve our vision.

Gift Aid

If you're a tax payer you can register for Gift Aid by completing this form.

Gift Aid Declaration

Why Give?

At Merland Rise Church our understanding of giving is based on stewardship. We believe that everything we have ultimately belongs to God and that we are simply stewards, those who are looking after it.

Throughout the Scriptures we see God’s people giving generously, regularly and proportionally from what He has entrusted to them. As followers of Jesus, this includes giving financially to the call of God on the local church to which we belong.